Join us for our annual Mother’s Day Lunch at the Slovenian Summer Camp as we officially kick off the 2024 season! Enjoy a home cooked meal prepared by our talented all male chef brigade then take a spin on the dance floor to the music by Fantje na Farmi. Mass starts at 11:45 am. Lunch will be […]
Pesem. Tradicija. Ponos.Cenimo bogato slovensko kulturno dediščino in z ubranimprepevanjem plemenitimo našo skupno sedanjost. Ljutomerski oktet je bil ustanovljen v davnem letu 1965. V tem obdobju je oktet opravil izjemno oslanstvo kulturnem prostoru širom Slovenije in tudi izven njenih meja. Temeljno poslanstvo pevskega sestava je negovanje slovenske ljudske in umetne pesmi ter obujanje fantovskega načina […]
Mass starts at 11:45 am. The procession of the blessed sacrament will take place following mass. Attendees are encouraged to dress in their narodna noša.
Ages 16+ Organizer: Maja Vlahovic Registration fee: $10 to be paid at start of event. Lunch is included. Online registration is now open! Registration will close on June 20, 2024 at 23:59.
Come join us for our 63rd Slovenski Dan at the Slovenian Summer Camp and help us celebrate all things Slovenian. Mass starts at 11:45 am. The kitchen will open at 1:00 pm to serve lunch prepared by our talented members. Sit back and enjoy the cultural program then take a spin on the dance floor […]
Ages 16+ Organizer: Val Koncan Sign up in person at the Balina Courts at 8:30 am. Registration fee: $10 to be paid at start of event.
All Ages Organizer: Melanie Zigante Come join us for a fun filled day of games, activities and prizes! No registration fee. Lunch and snacks will be available for purchase.
Ages 20+ Organizer: John Ulcar