Vinska Trgatev z Ansamblom Saša Avsenika

VINSKA TRGATEV BANQUET TICKETS ARE SOLD OUT! If you would like to add your name to the waitlist and be notified if tickets become available, please fill out the form […]

Pustna Zabava

Join us for our annual Pustna Zabava. Enjoy a fantastic dinner in the company of your friends. Dress up in your best costume for a chance to win a cash […]

Mother’s Day

The Mother's Day celebration will begin with holy mass at 11:45 am. Luncheon will follow. Tickets go on sale April 11, 2025.

Telovska Procesija

Mass starts at 11:45 am. The procession of the blessed sacrament will take place following mass. Attendees are encouraged to dress in their narodna noša.

Slovenski Dan

Come join us for our 64th Slovenski Dan at the Slovenian Summer Camp and help us celebrate all things Slovenian. Mass starts at 11:45 am. The kitchen will open at […]

Cevap Night

Come and join us for a fabulous cevap dinner.

Apple Strudel Fest

Stay tuned! More details to come in September.